Anchor Anasuya, who shot to fame on small screen with “Jabardasth”, got few top rated film offers. She rejected few of them while few are in discussion phase. Now, a new shade in Anasuya came into limelight. This beauty is not just trying for film heroine roles, but she is also trying for singer roles!
Most of us doesn’t know this fact and her close friends revealed it to the media. It seems that Anasuya is a good singer and she is interested to lend her voice for few film audios. She tried to get a chance using her network but sources reported that she is not too successful in this aspect.
So, the main targets of Anasuya are film actor and a singer. For now, she is having huge set of fan following on small screen and if situations help her, she may turn into a film actress next year. We have to wait for some more time to hear the voice of Anasuya as a singer!