Jntuh 1st year results , Latest Jntuh Jntu world updates In the Month of May Jntu hyderabad university has conducted the B.Tech Jntuh [R13 ,R09 ,R07] Regular and Supply Examinations to the 1st year results so all the candidates who have appeared for the jntuh 1st year regular exams and jnuth 1st year supply exams are now waiting for the jntuh 1st year results very eagerly so Here is the latest Jnuth 1st year valuation information about jntuh r13 1st year results & jntuh 1s year supply exam results
The board of JNTUH released the first year results of R13 B.Tech First Year Regular and Supply results today. The Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University of Hyderabad conducts examinations for the engineering students for different regulations of R13, R09 and R07.
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